ANCOT (National Italian Thermal Cities Association)



The Associazione Nazionale Comuni Termali (ANCOT) is a non-profit organisation under the law of association, whose members are thermal municipalities. ANCOT, founded in 1989 by the most important ones, such as Chianciano Terme, Montecatini Terme and Salsomaggiore Terme, today includes 46 members. Some of its members are already members or founder members of EHTTA (European Historic Thermal Towns Association), such as Acqui Terme, Fiuggi, Montecatini Terme and Salsomaggiore Terme.

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Specific objectives that ANCOT promotes are the following:

- Enhance and preserve the thermal cultural heritage in Europe,

- Reinforce the cooperation of spa towns at a European level, exchange experiences and good practices between local institutions and/or cultural and socio-economic operators of spa towns,

- Encourage, promote, complete and develop research, analyses, studies and statistics in the thermal sector,

- Cooperate with the European institutions in supporting international policies and regulations regarding spas.

