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Marion Vansingle
SOURCE project coordinator
Phone : + 33 (0)4 73 34 70 71
Mobile Phone : + 33 (0)6 63 04 05 24
The Café of Europe event will run alongside the 47th edition of this prestigious event, dedicated to the memory of Acqui Division. The round table debate will be augmented by re-enactments and interpretations of local history.
Spa towns have been the source of inspiration for many famous European novelists in the past,omega replica watches and this event will be a chance to examine and celebrate those authors, and to talk about how these authors and works can inspire todays visitors in terms of how they are interpreted.
The Premio Acqui Storia rewards works based on contemporary history (19th 21st centuries), in three categories: historical-scientific, historical-popular and historical novels.
This meeting has been filmed, broadcasted and recorded. The videos are available here:
- First Round Table:
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- Second Round table: