Contact Us
Marion Vansingle
SOURCE project coordinator
Phone : + 33 (0)4 73 34 70 71
Mobile Phone : + 33 (0)6 63 04 05 24
Director of Development and Institutional Relations Federculture - Federation of Enterprises and Organizations of management of culture, tourism, sport and leisure, which is the most important cultural companies of the country, supporting the role of business in the management of goods and cultural activities as factor for the development of the sector. Creator of the Festival of Travel Writing (2008), promoted by the Italian Geographic Society, in collaboration with Federculture, dedicated to the story of the world through various forms of narrative of travel, places and cultures: from the literature itself to geography, photography journalism, from music to comics.
Date | City | Interventions | Summary | Media |
2014-07-26 | Fiuggi | Claudio Bocci | The location placement, intended as a presentation of tourist attractions through the creation of narrative devices within a cinematographic work, is proving to be a technique of great interest for the tourist development of the territories. This expedient, however, can be extended to all forms of art and, in the first place, literature (from which, however, are drawn many movies!). This is the key which also raises the Festival of Travel Litterature which, since 2008, is held in Rome in the splendid setting of Villa Celimontana. It is a sophisticated strategy for local marketing, to bear fruit, it must be inserted into a conscious vision of territorial development based on culture and in a path of valorization integrated in a position to seize the opportunities of the assets of the entire territory. The city of Fiuggi can count on a budget of excellence linked in the first place, to the thermal resource, which lends itself to multiple narrative traces that can be connected to the tourist experience. The great potential of Fiuggi accomodation also constitutes a competitive tool of great interest if properly connected to investments in the tourist-cultural themes of the territorial area in which are inserted the city and tourist flows of the axis Rome/Caserta/Naples. |