Francisco Singul

Ph.D in Art History. As Chief of the Exhibitions Department of Xacobeo S.A, he has participated in several international conferences on the subject of pilgrimages and the Ways of Saint Jacques, travelling to countries like USA, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Israel, Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Germany, France, Italy,etc. He was the curator and commissioner of several national and international exhibitions on the pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela, and editor of several published books such as “La Catedral de Santiago. Belleza y Misterio" (Barcelona, Lunwerg, 2011). He also authored several research articles and monographs such as "Il Cammino di Santiago. Cultura e pensiero" (Roma, Carocci, 2007) e "Memorias de Diego Velázquez", "Historia Cultural do Camiño de Santiago" (Vigo, Galaxia, 1999), (Santiago, Alvarellos, 2013)

Date City Interventions Summary Media
2013-09-19 Ourense The Ways of Santiago - Francisco Singul

From all the Ways of Saint Jacques the French Way is the best known, connecting - since the Middle Ages -  the west end of Europe with the rest of the continent. The best source to learn about this ancient route is the Codex Calixtinus, written in the 12th Century,  where references of  water are spread all across. Water is a element full of symbolism and significances; as a key for survival and as a way of transport (the paths of water) but also a tool of purification and devotion, gained through bathing. Ancient travelers books include several references to spas within the ways to Santiago, as they were beloved stop places for pilgrims to rest and health.
